Hello there.

My name is Mark. I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer.

I design, test and develop powerful and scalable progressive web apps, native apps, UI/UX, APIs, and more.


I'm a Junior Software Engineer based in Vilanova i la GeltrĂș, in the province of Barcelona, Spain. I enrolled to Fullstack Academy's Immersive Program after a roommate from my time in New York introduced me to software engineering. I am passionate about software design, and love to work on innovative projects and products.


Daniel Orpi website sample image

Daniel Orpi's website

My brother is a DJ based in London. I built his website with a complete CMS he can use, as well as his brand's website and shop with their respective CMSs, which I'm currently working on.
The front end of the main site is currently in development, as we are still waiting for a few assets from designers. It's built with NextJS, and the whole project is written in TypeScript.


This was a capstone project. We built a mobile app using React Native, with a headless CMS. It is essentially a social organizer for you and your friends, with functionality for finding events and managing spendings in groups. I built most of the backend and a big chunk of the frontend. See the demo on YouTube.

Squadify demo sample image

Drocsid demo sample image


Short project we were told to do to learn new technologies. I wanted to learn Electron so I made a very basic desktop chatting app with a persistent backend that also served a website, which is similar to the app but in the browser. See the live demo here.

To see some of my other projects, check me out on Github, or contact me.



  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • HTML
  • CSS / Sass
  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack / Babel
  • Git
  • Express
  • Socket.io
  • JWT
  • Passport.js
  • OAuth
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeORM
  • Sequelize


  • React Native
  • NextJS
  • Strapi
  • Serverless framework
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL (Apollo for frontend)
  • Docker
  • Heroku
  • VMWare
  • Linux (Ubuntu / Kali)

Some experience:

  • Python
  • ElectronJS
  • GatsbyJS
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS S3
  • AWS API-Gateway
  • AWS CloudWatch


  • Fullstack Acadademy logo

    Fullstack Academy New YorkJan 2020 - July 2020

    Currently ranked the #1 Coding Bootcamp in the US. Enrolled for the Part-time Flex Program, as I was going to University as well. Finished remotely from April to July, due to pandemic.
  • EAE Business School logo

    EAE Business SchoolBarcelona 2017 - 2021

    Currently enrolled in the final course of a Business Administration Bachelor. Ranked #2 Business University in Spain. Schedules are pretty flexible, so it should be no issue for work.
  • Pace University logo

    Pace UniversityNew York2019 - 2020

    Did the exchange program with my parent University in Spain. Lived in NYC for the whole year until the pandemic hit, and I had to finish the course remotely as well.


To view or download my resume, use one of the three buttons below.